Frankfort Tractor Supply completes remodel | Business |

2022-08-08 08:32:52 By : Ms. kelly liao

Sunny to partly cloudy. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. High 87F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph..

Partly cloudy with late night showers or thunderstorms. Low 73F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 50%.

Tractor Supply announced the completion of a remodel of the entire store at the Frankfort location on Wednesday.

The enhanced store features an improved layout for convenient and accessible shopping as well as a new Customer Service Hub with upgraded digital tools to help customers find what they need. Additionally, customers can now shop from an expanded assortment of apparel, tools, hardware, pet food, animal feed and more.

“At Tractor Supply, we constantly work to improve the customer experience, from product offerings to in-store features. These exciting upgrades have completely transformed our store, making it an even better option for customers shopping for Life Out Here,” said Vancy Livers, manager of the Frankfort Tractor Supply store. “We are excited for customers to visit our new space that now features more products than ever before, including our new apparel department, expanded feed and food selection and broader tool assortment. We know that customers will love these upgrades as much as we do, and we hope to share them with both familiar and new faces from the Frankfort community.”

Additional improvements to the Frankfort location include a new Tractor Supply Pet Wash for owners and their friendly, four-legged family members. Customers can now pamper their pets with a bath in an easy and convenient washing station loaded with professional-grade equipment and high-quality products. Pet owners will have access to elevated wash bays, grooming tables, specialty shampoos, use of brushes, combs and towels as well as a waterproof apron and professional dryer, all for just $9.99. Tractor Supply also carries an assortment of pet accessories for customers to shop for after the bath, including toys, beds, collars, leashes and more.

With these enhancements, the Frankfort Tractor Supply continues to serve the needs of homeowners, livestock and pet owners, gardeners, hobby farmers, ranchers, tradesmen and others. Tractor Supply customers can shop from a wide range of products including workwear and boots, equine and pet supplies, zero turns and riding mowers, pet food, lawn and garden supplies, power tools, fencing, welding and more.

The Frankfort Tractor Supply store, at 111 Arrowhead Court, keeps regular business hours from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. To learn more about Tractor Supply Company, visit

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